Cirque du K Performs Friday and Saturday

Cirque du K, the official circus club for students at Kalamazoo College, will conduct its annual spring performances at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday in the Dalton Theater at Light Fine Arts.

The organization launched in 2006 as a few friends playing together with circus equipment and has grown and evolved each year along with the new and improving skill sets of each member. Cirque du K aims to:

  • educate students in a distinctive art form, providing a practical outlet where participants learn and develop skills in a safe environment;
  • entertain, enrich, and engage communities on and off campus with a multitude of interesting skills and techniques;
  • aid students who want to continue pursuing circus arts through education, outreach and fund raising.

Both performances are free to attend and the public is welcome.

Students and prospective students may find information on more than 70 student organizations available at Kalamazoo College, including Cirque du K, through the Office of Student Involvement.