Instructors: Bailey, Bennett, Burt, Chung, Duimstra, Fink, Giard, Goyings, Hall, Horner, Krajacic, Langeland, Miller, Morrison, Murphy, Ott, Port, Prius, Redko, Rice, Riley, Smith, Shabazz, MK Thompson-Miller, White, Wilson, Yancho, Zorbo
Through its physical education activity requirement and offerings that carry academic credit, the College honors the “sound mind in a sound body” philosophy that is a landmark of a liberal arts education. Several opportunities for healthful activities are housed in the department of physical education which includes intramurals administration and the department of athletics in addition to the cadre of activity classes.
The Physical Education Graduation Requirement
All students shall earn one unit of physical education (PE) activity, which may be met by electing and satisfactorily completing five activities, each equal to 0.2 units, selected from physical education activity classes, intercollegiate athletics, study abroad, and LandSea, subject to the following conditions:
- A modified or otherwise specifically planned program will be developed by an advisor in the department for any student having a complete or partial restriction as indicated on that individual’s health record.
- Students are urged to complete the requirement over the period of five quarters.
- Students may take as many PE activity classes as they desire, but only one unit, or five 0.2-unit activities, will be counted toward the graduation requirement.
- All activity courses may be repeated as often as desired, with the exception of Outdoor Leadership.
- Varsity athletes earn .25 units per sport per academic year, and split seasons such as golf will award one activity credit for the academic year, whether the athlete participates in fall or spring or both. Therefore, should a student play 4 seasons of a varsity sport, they will earn the full PE unit. (Effective academic year 2016-2017)
- One activity credit for physical education may be granted for each six months of military service or each quarter of ROTC training.
- In some instances students may receive PE activity credit for activity classes on study abroad, especially those indigenous to a particular culture. These credits must be certified through the Center for International Programs.
Activity courses include various opportunities. Some courses require that students furnish their own equipment or transportation; some require a modest fee; but one can achieve the full unit with on-campus, non-fee courses. For on-campus fee courses, the fee is charged directly to the student account; for off-campus fee courses, the student pays the instructor as indicated on the course schedule.
Course categories include Fitness, Dance, Sport Skill, Life Skill/Health, Outdoor, Independent Study, Varsity Sports, and Full Unit.
Fitness: Barre, Developmental Swimming, Individual Fitness, K-Cycle, Weight Training, Interval Training, Yoga, and AM Power Workout
Dance: Wellspring Dance Classes
Sport Skill: Badminton, Basketball, Equestrian, Learn to Swim, Pickleball, Racquetball, Scuba, Soccer, Tae Kwon Do (Hapkido), Tai Chi, Tennis (Beginning and Advanced), Ultimate Frisbee Club, and Volleyball
Life Skill/Health: CPR and First Aid, Gardening, Step Up, Tower Bell Ringing, Composting, Holistic Nutrition, and Cooking Basics
Outdoor: Arboretum Stewardship, Backpacking, Land/Sea and Land/Sea Leadership, Outdoor Leadership (.4 units), River Canoeing, Rock Climbing, Wilderness First Aid and CPR, Snowshoeing, and Mountain Biking
Varsity Sports: Athletes who complete 4 varsity seasons will earn the full PE unit. (.25 units per season)
Full Unit: Athletic Training Practicum and Independent Study
Independent study activity credit is possible for any activity that is not offered on the course schedule, and for which the student has a certified instructor. All independent studies will need a faculty supervisor and approval by the Chair.
Academic Physical Education classes
Academic, full-unit classes are offered through the PE department, although there is no major possibility. The Athletic Training Practicum serves students interested in athletic training, physical therapy, or orthopedic medicine. Independent study full- unit courses are approved by, and done under the supervision of a department faculty member. A syllabus is required, and must be approved by the department chair. These classes are recommended for students interested in coaching, athletics, fitness, or leadership.
Physical Education Courses
To learn the basics of Badminton and create an active and fun environment.
Instruction for all levels of skill in the fundamentals of basketball. Emphasis on the development and improvement of total fitness, skill and general knowledge about basketball for leisure time use.
Equestrian Club Intro to Riding
Students must contact the instructor for more information, provide own transportation, and pay lesson fees directly to Cedar Lodge. For students that have little or no experience with horses. Classes will focus on teaching basic ground and riding skills. This class will teach students how to be confident when handling horses both on the ground and while mounted.
Beginning Racquetball
This class provides instruction for all levels of skill in the fundamentals of racquetball. Emphasis on the basic rules, skill development, and total fitness.
Provides students with appropriate level of knowledge and skills in squash.
Recreational Soccer
Instruction and review of basic technical soccer skills. Playing experience in an organized environment is preferred but not required.
This class provides instruction for all levels of skill in the fundamentals of pickleball. Emphasis on the basic rules, skill development, and total fitness.
Indoor Rock Climbing
This class is mostly self-directed and is held off-campus at Climb Kalamazoo. Students learn basic climbing and belaying techniques for climbing, and must participate in the safety training prior to climbing.
Course covers information on physics, physiology, medicine, and environment. Practical aspects of the course cover equipment, gear usage and familiarization drills. Students who complete all requirements, including open water training dives, receive SCUBA certification. Recommended prerequisite: Students must have healthy lungs, not be suffering from asthma, or any other airway-restricting condition. Students must also be comfortable swimmers. Pool evaluation will be given first session. A medical exam may be required based upon certain health conditions.
Tae Kwon Do/ Hapkido
This class will give you martial arts training which uses Tae Kwon Do and Hap Ki Do in combination to create the Moo Sool Do system. The class will familiarize students with the movements, forms, and philosophies that are used in martial arts. Students will learn the art of using the hands and feet for quality self defense
Tai Chi
This class explores the mind/body connections and fitness aspects of traditional Chinese internal style martial arts. Each Class includes internal energy (chi) cultivation exercises, stretching and strengthening exercises, work on learning from an internal style Kung Fu form and work on learning a Tai Chi form
Beginning Tennis
Learn many of the basic fundamentals and skills of tennis, as well as learning how to play the game in an enjoyable and active environment.
Advanced Tennis
Enhance established technical knowledge and learn the necessary competitive skills for singles and doubles in an enjoyable and active environment.
Ultimate Frisbee Club Sport
Student must be a member of the club to elect to take this class.
Learn basic volleyball skills and how to train for, and compete on a team.
Wellspring Dance Classes
Join Wellspring/Cori Terry & Dancers, the only professional dance company in Kalamazoo, for our Adult dance courses and earn PE credit. Our classes are taught by professional company members span a variety of types. For the 10-week quarter, you will be able to choose your weekly class to fit your schedule and interests. Modern and ballet classes are offered weekly as well as Mix It Up Monday which changes week to week. This class is off campus.
Interval Training
This class is designed to lead participants through a series of cardio and strength training exercises with relatively brief rest intervals in between. Open to all fitness levels and there will be emphasis on exercise safety, technique, progression and modification. The class will use a variety of equipment available on the fitness floor.
Learn to Swim
This class is designed to help those who cannot swim, learn the basics of the sport. This includes comfort level in the water, floating and basic swim strokes.
Developmental Swimming
This course is designed to improve your comfort level in the water, your overall fitness and aerobic capacity, and is swimming on your own for fitness, logged and turned in on a regular basis.
K-Cycle (Indoor Cycling)
This course improves fitness, strength, and discipline through extended stationary cycling workouts.
Individual Fitness
Develop an awareness of the importance and value of physical fitness in everyday life. The student is responsible for one meeting per week, and the practice and recording of one's own personal fitness plan.
Individual Fitness: Distance Running
Develop an awareness of the importance and value of physical fitness in everyday life with an emphasis on distance running.
Lifeguard Certification
This course is an American Red Cross certified class that will provide Lifeguard Certification for those who complete the coursework and test. The certification fee is $45.
Kalamazoo Barre
Kalamazoo Barre is an on-campus, fun yet challenging, 50-minute workout, inspired by ballet and Pilates. Certified instructors lead the classes which involve small, isometric movements that promote fat burning and interval training.
This course is designed to take you through the basic moves and components of a Pilate's class: concentration, breathing, quality, focus, body awareness, core control.
Equestrian Club Intermediate Riding
Students must contact the instructor for more information, provide own transportation, and pay lesson fees directly to Cedar Lodge. For students with some riding experience, students that have already successfully finished the Intro to Riding class at Cedar Lodge, or students that have taken some lessons at another stable. To enter this class, students must already know how to groom, tack and ride with control at a walk and trot. Class will focus on developing existing skills to a higher level and learning new, more advanced technique. This class may be taken more than once.
AM Power Workout
Start your day on a healthy foot in AM Power Workout! Classes will combine elements from many group fitness styles including yoga, Pilates, aerobics, circuit training, dance, and more. This efficient workout will build strength and flexibility while also burning calories. You will be charged up and ready to face another day!
Weight Training
Are you looking to increase your strength and incorporate weight training into your fitness routine? This class is geared towards beginner strength & conditioning experience and knowledgebase. This class will develop your knowledge and selection of strength training exercises, technique, safety and workout design.
Beginning Yoga
The course provides a foundation in the practice of yoga as a holistic approach to health, vigor, and happiness.
Feel the benefits of gardening to your overall health (mental, physical); understand the fitness/wellness benefits of gardening and gain the basic knowledge and skills needed to grow vegetables that are 100% organic and non-GMO.
Native Plant Gardening
Native Plant Gardening will provide a working and learning environment caring for a hillside native plant area right on campus. This involves digging, planting, growing, weeding, and labeling in the garden along with some discussion about pollinators and Michigan native plants.
Composting: Worms, Waste, & Well-Being
Composting: Worms, Waste, & Well-being: Students will explore all aspects of the life-death cycle, and practice several food waste composting techniques such as vermicompost, trench compost, and hot compost, as well as learn about the key actors in the composting processes.
Cooking Basics
Students in Cooking Basics will have the opportunity to learn and practice basic cooking techniques, such as knife skills, pan skills, baking, and basic food preparation. Cooking will be conducted outside of the scheduled class period and students must have access to a kitchen and equipment. Students must provide their own ingredients for class.
Holistic Nutrition
The objective of this course is for students to learn the impact of different types of foods, beverages and supplements on their bodies, from energy levels to muscle mass to brain function, inflammatory levels, digestion and more. Students will learn how to apply foundational nutrition principles to best fuel their bodies. They get to be their own n=1 "experiment" and will come away with important insight regarding how best to nourish their unique bodies to achieve their desired level of health and wellbeing.
Walking: Mind, Body, Community
Coaching Methodology
This is a course designed to provide participants with a basic understanding and comprehension of different coaching tasks in order to allow them to successfully lead a youth sports team.
Design Your Path
This course provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your K-Plan to date, synthesizing learning across curricular and co-curricular experiences, to design multiple paths to move through college and beyond. Wherever you are in your K journey, whether a first-year student or a senior, this course will give you tools and resources to consider and plan for your next steps.
FirstGen2Success: Building Career Wellness
This course is designed to help first-generation college students develop career literacy, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to navigate their career paths successfully. Each week, students will explore various aspects of career development, including self-assessment, resume building, networking, job search strategies, and more.
Tower Bell Ringing
Stetson Chapel houses one of only 53 English change ringing towers in North America and the only one in the state of Michigan. Change ringing is a team sport, a musical performance, an ancient art, and a challenging pattern-based exercise that involves a group of people ringing a set of tuned bells rhythmically through a series of changing sequences that are determined by mathematical principles. Despite the fact that the bells are heavy (up to a half-ton in Stetson's tower), change ringing is more mental than physical, but you don't have to be an athlete, a mathematician, or a musician to learn. Instruction is one-on-one in conjunction with attendance at weekly practices of the Kalamazoo College Guild of Change Ringers. Open to first-year students and sophomores or with the instructor's permission.
Tower Bell Ringing II
For students who have mastered the rudiments of rope-handling and wish to continue developing their skills in change-ringing.
PED-155 or PED-156 or Permission
Arboretum Stewardship Practicum
The Arboretum Stewardship Practicum affords students the opportunity to participate in and learn about the management of trails and invasive species control at the college's Lillian Anderson Arboretum
Introduction to Hiking and Backpacking
This class will introduce students to local outdoor trails and teach introductory hiking and backpacking skills. The course runs between weeks 1-5. An overnight backpacking trip is required.
Michigan Land/Sea Expedition
Introduction to Wilderness Medicine
This course will introduce students to first aid practices when help from emergency services is not readily available. Focus will be on the treatment of common injuries, improvisation of medical equipment, and decision-making regarding evacuations. The course will be conducted virtually. For students who reside in Kalamazoo and who are interested, there may be an opportunity to complete a hands-on exam to receive a 2-year Wilderness First Aid certification. Otherwise the course can be completed without certification.
Outdoor Leadership
The Outdoor Leadership course builds on an individual's outdoor skills to further develop proficiency in group dynamics, leadership, map and compass, trip planning, and outdoor living. The course will be conducted virtually.
Intro to Mountain Biking
The Intro to Mountain Biking course will introduce students to the principles of mountain biking while utilizing some of the locally available trails in the Kalamazoo-area. No prior mountain biking experience is necessary. A bike and helmet will be provided. Transportation to trails will either be by bike or provided by course instructors using college vehicles.
Intro to Canoeing
The fundamentals of canoeing course offers students the opportunity to learn or hone their flat-water canoeing skills. Paddling session will occur around Kalamazoo.
Men's Intercollegiate Sports
Women's Intercollegiate Sports
Equestrian Club Advanced Riding
Students must contact the instructor for more information, provide own transportation, and pay lesson fees directly to Cedar Lodge. For students that are proficient in riding english at a walk/trot/canter while maintaining control in a group. Students should already know their leads and diagonals. This class will be working at a faster pace and students should be ready to work at a demanding level both on their skills and physically. New students will need to be approved.
Advanced Holistic Nutrition
Students should have completed Holistic Nutrition (PED132) before taking this course.
Athletic Training Practicum
A supervised clinical experience designed to provide exposure to the profession of athletic training and sports medicine. This course will begin to prepare students for careers in allied healthcare, specifically athletic training and physical therapy. Topics addressed will include, but are limited to: prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.
Instructor Permission Required.
Teaching Assistantship