
Foster inclusive and supportive campus for all

2021-22 Progress

  • Shared Campus Climate Survey results with the campus community in April 2022. To get more in depth understanding of our campus climate, focus groups of students, faculty, and staff were held at the end of the academic year. 
  • Gender equity audit of space and resources is complete, head coach salaries reviewed and adjustments made for 2022-2023, and athletics budgets incrementally increased for 2022-2023 to better reflect actual costs; plan for assistant coaches is in progress. 

2020-21 Progress

  • Campus climate survey administered in Spring 2021 .
  • Hosted three interfaith councils for students to build religious literacy and communication across religious difference.
  • Gender equity in athletics plan under development with several action steps identified.

2019-20 Progress

  • Launched weekly “mental health for students of color” program.

2018-19 Progress

  • Received Warner Norcross & Judd grant for G-1, a new first-gen mentorship program; 249 students attended nine dinners; 21 alumni mentors, four other mentors and nine to 13 mentees were involved in bi-weekly programs.
  • Completed expansion and remodeling of Intercultural Center.
  • Reconfigured Food for the Soul program sponsored by Intercultural Student Life (ISL).
  • Initiated five new programs in partnership with the Offices of ISL staff (director and coordinator), ISL programs and operations, and IC operations, maintenance and upkeep.
  • Completed Mellon Diversity and Inclusion grant.
  • Received grant from Office of Violence Against Women to strengthen K’s intimate partner violence-prevention efforts.

Last updated December 8, 2022